Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oahu, Hawaii!!!

Every now and then God sends you a reminder of the gifts He's given you. One of those reminders has come to me as He's given Adam and I the opportunity to rest together. Well, not completely "rest" -as Adam has had to "work" some, but for the most part I think I can say..."rest-together".

Adam had a conference (for work) to attend in Honolulu, Hawaii. God's gift comes in the fact that Adam had enough airmiles to bring me along! I guess there are a few benefits to him having a job that causes him to travel frequently!

Anyway, It has been a wonderful trip so far! I thought I'd share a few photos with you, since I had some time to gather a few thoughts.

I also wanted to say "Thank You!" to Ms. Bobbie, a very dear friend of ours who has graciously volunteered (Another of God's gifts!) to keep our boys for us (again!!)! She has kept them on-task with their classes, schoolwork and schedules-which is enough to drive anyone to insanity! Without her willingness to help, I wouldn't be able to be here at all! I thank the Lord every day for her-as she continues to serve Him! She is truely a blessing to our family! Thank You So Much Ms. Bobbie!!!

1 comment:

Mom To The 3rd Power said...

Wish I was there! Lucky duck!